Renal system | kidney system
The renal system is also known as the kidney system which is consists of the kidney, ureter, urinary bladder, and urethra, here we will discuss basic things about the kidney so that it will be easy to understand the formation of urine formation so that you could understand the urine analysis and its composition.
Renal system | kidney system
The renal system consists of the part
Renal artery
Renal veins
Urinary bladder
Part of the Renal system and their function
Kidney: the organ that filter blood plasma
Renal artery: carry Blood to the kidney
Renal vein: Blood away from kidney
Ureter: carry urine kidney to the urinary bladder
Urinary bladder: storage of urine
Urethra: way to pass urine
Part of kidney
Capsule: Outer membrane of kidney
Cortex: Middle membrane
Medulla: Inner membrane of kidney
Minor calyx: Moves urine to major calyx
Major calyx: Moves urine to the ureter
Hilum: where blood vessels and ureter passes
Artery -> arteriole -> capillaries -> vanule -> veins
Function of kidney
A: acid-base balance
W: water balance
E: Electrolyte balance
T: Toxin remove
B: Blood pressure control
E: Erthroprotien production
D : D vitamin metabolism
Nephron :
The kidney combines about 1-2 million functional units called nephron and a smaller number of collecting ducts ( length 35-55mm) and nephron also known as a structural unit of the kidney
Short cortical nephron (80%): a short loop of Henle
Juxta medullary nephron (20%): a long loop of Henle
Afferent arteriole (wide): that carry blood to glomerular
Efferent arteriole (narrow): that carry away blood from glomerular
Peritubler Capillary: capillaries that secretion and absorption the substance
Nephron part
Renal capsule
Renal tubules
Renal capsule
Glomerular: a network of tiny arterial capillary
Glomerular capsule (bowmen’s capsule): nephron is closed at one end to form expended cup-shaped structure which encloses glomerular
Renal tubules
Proximal convoluted tubules (PCT)
Loop of Henle (medullary loop )
Distill convoluted tubule (DCT) connecting into collecting duct
Note: 1300 ml of blood enter in kidney per min (30% of cardiac output )
Urine formation:
this process includes three process
Glomerular filtration
selective reabsorption
tubular secretion
Glomerular filtration :
This filter takes place because of the difference between the blood pressure in the glomerular (60mmhg) and the pressure of the filtrate capsule(15mmhg)
blood is filtered while passing through glomerular or capillary by a filtration membrane
Water and Small molecules will pass ( eg plasma)
Large molecules do not pass ( eg blood cells, proteins)
Only ⅕ of plasma filter here
Filter flued is called glomerular filtration and the volume of filtrate formed by both kidneys each minute is glomerular filtration rate
Normal GFR rate : 125ml/min or 180 liter /day
Selective reabsorption :
Most reabsorption absorption back to peritubular capillary through the tubules occurs in PCT (eg water, electrolyte, and glucose.)
60-70 % of filtrate reach the medullary loop (loop of hanle ) where absorption of sodium and chloride occurs
15-20% of filtrate reach in DCT (the eg more electrolytic substance of sodium)
Filter enter in the collecting duct where water reabsorbed
Notes: transport maximum( renal threshold): kidney maximum capacity of absorption of a substance
Tubular secretion:
the substance is not required and foreign material(eg drug) initially filtered out of the blood by peritubular capillary into tubules
Potassium in PCT, DCT, collecting duct
Ammonia in PCT
H+ in PCT, DCT
URIA in loop of hanle
kidney / renal disease could be identified by urine analysis click here to check urine analysis