
Hematology Test | Normal values

Hematology is a branch of medical science that deals with study of blood cells and its disorder and hematology test values help health care workers.

 Hematology  Test | Normal values

Hematology is a branch of  medical science that deals with study of blood cells and its disorder and hematology test values help health care worker to  monitor the treatment  and understand patent condition this include blood cells count like RBC count, WBC count, Platelet count, red cell indices

Purpose of hematology test

  • Treatment of anemia
  • evaluate erythropoietic activity
  • Blood disorder
  • Monitor treatment
  • Dialysis
  • Blood transfusion
  • causes of infection

Hematology tests List

  1. Total Erythrocyte (RBC) Count
  2. Total WBC Count
  3. Differential leukocyte count
  4. Platelet Count
  5. Absolute Eosinophil Count
  6. Red Blood Cell Indices
  7. Clot Retraction

Hematology  Test | Normal values
 Hematology  Test | Normal values

Hematology test values

Total Erythrocyte (RBC) Count

  • Male: 4.5 to 6.5 × 106cells/cu.mm
  • Female: 3.9 to 5.6 × 10 6 cells/cu.m

Total WBC Count

  • Adults 4000–11000 cells/cu.mm
  • At birth 10,000–25,000 cells/cu.mm
  • Infants (one year) 6000–18000 cells/cu.mm
  • 4–7 years 6,000–15,000 cells/cu.mm
  • 8–12 years 4,500–13,500 cells/cu.mm

Differential leukocyte count

Differential leukocyte count

Normal range

Absolute value













% Lymphocyte



Platelet Count  : 150,000 – 450,000/cu.mm

Absolute Eosinophil Count

  • Adults 0.2 – 2%
  • Infants 2 – 6%
  • Children up to 5 yrs 0.2 – 5.0 %


Red Blood Cell Indices

  • MCV 76–96 μm
  • MCH 27–32 pg
  • MCHC 30–35 %

Hemoglobin Estimation

  • At Birth: 13.6–19.6 g %
  • At 1 year: 11.3–13.0 g%
  • 10–12 years: 11.5–14.8 g%
  • Women: 11.5–16.5 g%
  • Men: 13.5–18.0 g%

Cogulation test velues

  • Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time 22-34 seconds
  • Prothrombin Time 11–15 seconds.
  • Bleeding Time (Ivy Method) 1 – 6 minutes
  • Clotting Time 5-15 minutes
  • Clot Retraction

    • Good—if clot retraction has occurred at 2–4 hours.
    • Fair—If retraction occurs after 4 hours but within 24 hours
    • Poor—if no retraction occurs even at 24 hours.

if you are looking for a Biochemistry test normal values you can  click here

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