
DMLT 2nd Second Year remanded Questions paper 2021

DMLT second year exam here are some DMLT 2nd Second Year remanded question papers that were held on March 2022.

 RPMC has announced the second year remanded exam for DMLT second-year students who haven't passed in DMLT second year exam here are some  DMLT 2nd Second Year remanded question papers that were held on March 2022 for Season 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18. here are previous papers on some subjects that have a major role in the second year of the DMLT paper

DMLT 2nd Second Year remanded years Questions  paper 2021

  • Biochemistry previous paper
  • Histopathology previous paper
  • Microbiology and immunology  previous paper

DMLT 2nd Second Year remanded years Questions  paper


DMLT 2nd Second Year remanded Questions  paper 2021
DMLT 2nd Second Year remanded Questions  paper 2021


Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology, March 2022

Second Year remanded theory Season 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18



Time Three Hours

Maximum marks: 100 marks

(Attempt any FIVE questions)

1. Describe digestion, absorption of proteins, and mechanism of urea formation
2. Write short notes on:

  1. Pancreatic enzymes and their diagnostic importance.
  2. Absorption and assimilation of lipids

3. Define jaundice, and describe different types of jaundice.

4. Write short notes on:

  1. Gastric juice
  2. Liver function test
  3. Internal quality control in biochemistry
  4. Glycogensis

5. What is the chemistry of blood, write down the composition of blood in detail.

6. Write short notes on:

  1. Ketone bodies
  2. Regulation of blood sugar
  3. Diabetes mellitus
  4. TCA Cycle

7. What is protein electrophoresis? Describe in detail protein electrophoresis



Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology, March-2022

Second Year Remanded Theory Examination- Session 2015-16, 2016-17 & 2017-18


Paper 111

Time: Three Hours

(Attempt any FIVE questions )

Maximum Marks: 100

1. Discuss briefly morphology, life cycle, and lab diagnosis of Ascariasis lumbricoides.

2. Write short notes on:

  1. ELISA test
  2. IgE Antibody

Discuss in detail about morphology, life cycle, and lab diagnosis of the malaria parasites.

4 Write short notes on:

a) Widal test
b) Leishmaniasis लिशमेनियासिस
c) Gram staining ग्राम स्टेनिंग
d) Type Hypersensitivity

5. Discuss in detail morphology and Lab diagnosis of Hiv.

6. Write short notes on:

a) VDRL Test
b) Anaphylaxis
c) Type IV Hypersensitivity
d) Haemophilus influenza

7. Discuss briefly signs, symptoms, morphology, and lab diagnosis of Hepatitis B virus



Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology, March-2022

Second Year Remanded Theory Examination- Session 2015-16, 2016-17 & 2017-18



Maximum Marks: 100

(Attempt any FIVE questions)

Time Three Hours


1. Write the method of block making and section cutting. What are errors in section cutting and their correction?
2. Write short notes on:

2) Technique of mounting

b) Different types of special stains

3. Define bleeding time and clotting time. Write down methods and interpretations for them.

4 Write short notes on:

  1. Sex chromatin
  2. Tissue fixation method
  3. Smear making in cytology
  4. VG Staining

5. Write short notes on:

  1. Clot retraction time
  2. Activated Partial thromboplastin time (APTT)
  3. Honing and stropping technique
  4. Normal coagulation ca O cascade

6. Write short notes on:

a) Equipment used in histopathology
b) Thrombin time
c) Specimen collection in histopathology
d) PAS stain

7 What are the different types of hematoxylin? Wite staining method of H and E.


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