
DMLT Question paper |1st year| 2nd year |2016/17/18/19/20

Medical Laboratory Technology (DMLT, BMLT, CMLT) Question paper of Diploma You Can Use This Paper as Model Paper. |1st| 2nd year 2016/17/18/19/2020.

DMLT Question paper |1st year| 2nd year |2016/17/18/19/20

Here Are Some Medical Laboratory Technology (DMLT Question paper) Previous Paper of Diploma You Can Use This Paper as Model Paper and You Can See the Format of DMLT Question Paper. Question Format Might Be Different In According The University Here Are  Some Format That Help You  To Prepare For Exam, You Will Have To Attempt Five Question Out Of 7.....Good Luck

DMLT Question paper |1st year| 2nd year |
DMLT Question paper |1st year| 2nd year 


DMLT 1st Year Question Paper (2016/17/18/19/20) 

  1. Human Anatomy and Physiology
  2. Blood banking And Hematology
  3. Clinical Pathology
  4. English & Communication skills
  5. Computer

SECOND-YEAR Question Paper (2016/17/18/19/20)

  1. Microbiology Including Parasitological and Immunology 
  2. Biochemistry
  3. Histopathology
  4. Entrepreneurship and hospital management
  5. Environmental study

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Human Anatomy and Physiology Question paper

Human Anatomy and Physiology for DMLT 1st year

Paper - IV

Time: Three Hours

Maximum Marks: 100
(Q No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any FIVE questions from the remaining six questions)


1)    Define gross anatomy of lungs explain the exchange of gases at alveolar & cellular level --20 marks
2)    Describe the mechanism of blood clotting -10
3)    Draw a labeled diagram of a heart showing the circulation of blood -10
4)    Write the classification of bone with example and mention the function of bones -10
5)    Write short notes on -5+5+5+5

  • Histology of kidney
  • 7th cranial nerve
  • Exocrine glands
  • Hemoglobin

6)    Draw the labeled diagram of the stomach and explain the function of the liver 

7)    Write short notes on   5+5+5+5

  • Function of bile
  • Composition of blood diagram of skin
  • The function of growth hormone
  • Drew a neat label diagram of urinary tract

Human Anatomy and Physiology for DMLT 1st year

Paper - IV

Time: Three Hours

Maximum Marks: 100
(Q No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any FIVE questions from the remaining six questions)


1)    Define female reproduction system with diagram and physiology of reproduction- 20 marks

2)    Write short notes on -20

  1. function or alimentary system, digestion and absorption of food 
  2. Reticule endothelial system

3)    Describe the circulatory system; draw the label diagram of heart and state and its function -20

4)    Write short notes -5+5+5+5

  1. Ossification center
  2. Spleen-
  3. Menstrual cycle
  4. Red blood cells

5)    Describe in detail benign and malignant tumor -20

6)    Write short notes 5+5+5+5

  1. Bone marrow
  2. Tonsils
  3. Bacteria
  4. Bellary system

7)    Describe the human skeleton bones and joints also types of bone with example-20

Human Anatomy and Physiology

Paper - IV

Time: Three Hours

Maximum Marks: 100
(Q No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any FIVE questions from the remaining six questions)


1)    Describe the morphological structure of the kidney & its function  and drew  a neat& labeled diagram -20

2)    Describe the vertebral column in detail & typical lumber puncher-20

3)    Describe the structure of the pituitary gland, hormones secreted by the anterior pituitary, and their function-20

4)    Write short notes on 5+5+5+5

  1. Thyroid gland
  2. Jaundice
  3. Rickets and its symptoms
  4. Explain the CSF circulation pathway

5)    Write in detail about the anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system

6)    Explain the brief about 10+10

  1. tumors
  2. pyrexia

7)    Discuss in detail the function of alimentary system-20

Human Anatomy and Physiology

Paper - IV

Time: Three Hours

Maximum Marks: 100
(Q No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any FIVE questions from the remaining six questions)


1)    Define the gross anatomy pituitary and different aspect of the thyroid gland

2)    Describe the name of the following 5+5+5+5

  1. Branches of the abdominal aorta
  2. Organs of the female reproduction system
  3. Bones of thigh and leg
  4. Secretion of pancreatic gland

3)    Write the origin, insertion, and action of pectoralis major muscle5-20

4)    Write short notes on any two -10+10

  1. Water-soluble vitamin
  2. Stretch reflex
  3. Saliva
  4. Neuron

5)    Write the difference between -5+5+5+5

  1. Veins and artery
  2. Folic acid and iron deficiency anemia
  3. Right and left lungs
  4. Hormone and secretion

6)    Enumerate the hormones secreted b the anterior pituitary and describe their function 20

Human Anatomy And Physiology

Paper - IV

Time: Three Hours

Maximum Marks: 100
(Q No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any FIVE questions from the remaining six questions)


  1. Describe the gross anatomy and applied aspect of the spleen
  2. Describe the process of erythropoiesis
  3. Write the name of the following
    1. Muscle of anterior abdominal wall
    2. Organ of the male reproductive system
    3. Bones of arm & forearms
    4. Secretion of pancreatic gland
  4. Write the origin, insertion, and action off pectoralis major muscle
  5. Write short notes on any two
    1. Hemoglobin
    2. Water-soluble vitamin
    3. Stretch reflex
    4. Neuralgia
  6. Write the difference between
    1. Right and left lung
    2. Artery and veins
    3. Cardiac and skeletal muscle
    4. A direct and indirect hernia
  7. Name the anterior pituitary hormones, discuss their function

Human Anatomy and Physiology

Paper - IV

Time: Three Hours

Maximum Marks: 100
(Q No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any FIVE questions from the remaining six questions)


  1. Describe the gross anatomy and aspect of the thyroid gland- 20
  2. Describe the different phases and hormonal control of menstrual cycle-20
  3. Write the name of the following 5+5+5+5
    1. Branches of the abdominal aorta
    2. Branches of the pulmonary trunk
    3. Bones of thigh & lag
    4. Secretion of the pituitary gland
  4. Write the origin, insertion, and action of pectorals minor muscle20
  5. Write short notes on any two 5+5+5+5
    1. Fat-soluble vitamins
    2. Leucocytosis
    3. Bile salt
    4. neurons
  6. Write the difference between 5+5+5+5
    1. Endocrine and exocrine gland
    2. Folic acid and iron deficiency anemia
    3. Bone and cartilage
    4. A direct and indirect hernia
  7. Name any six types of synovial joints and their example 20

Human Anatomy And Physiology

Paper - IV

Time: Three Hours

Maximum Marks: 100
(Q No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any FIVE questions from the remaining six questions)

Discuss the structure of the heart in detail and draw a labeled diagram
Discuss the origin insertion, nerve supply, and action of the following muscle

  1. Biceps brachii
  2. Triceps
  3. Hamstrings
  4. Tibia in anterior

Explain briefly

  1. The function of growth Harmon
  2. Classification of growth Harmon
  3. Classification of synovial joints
  4. Write the course of radial nerve  with a suitable diagram

Write short notes on

  1. Epithelial tissue
  2. Hemoglobin
  3. Blood pressure
  4. Function of bile

Drew neat level diagram of following

  1. The microscopic structure of muscle
  2. Neuron
  3. Different segments of the lungs
  4. Different layers of skin

Discuss briefly

  1. O2 dissociation curve
  2. Erythropoiesis

Write short notes

  1. Lymph nodes
  2. Different sites of blood collection
  3. Structure of bone
  4. Rennin angiotensin  system



  1. Define reproduction, female reproductive system
  2. What is the function of the mouth and teeth?
  3. Explain inflammation
  4. Drew a neat label diagram of urinary tract

Rajasthan Paramedical Diploma Courses Exam April-May 2019

Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology-1

Anatomy & Physiology

Maximum Marks 100 (Attempt any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks I


 Draw and Label a human cell and explain the functions of any five important organelles


Describe briefly


  • Functions of Cerebrospinal fluid
  • Rodes and Cones


Explain different types of anemia write briefly the mechanism of blood clot formation.

Write short notes on:

  • Pulmonary circulation
  • Draw a labeled diagram of a neuron
  • Cardiac cycle
  • Synovial joints


Define Tissue Enumerate different types of tissues Explain in detail about epithelial tissue and connective tissue.


Write short notes on

  • Lymph nodes)
  • Spermatogenesis
  • Functions of Liver
  • Role of baroreceptors in control of blood pressure

Discuss the anatomy of the kidney and explain glomerular filtration in detail.




(Attempt any FIVE questions)

Time Three Hours

(Maximum Marks: 100

All questions carry an equal mark

Explain the physiology of muscle contraction with suitable diagrams.

Describe briefly:

  • Composition and baroreceptors
  • function of lymph

Define anemia. Explain different types of anemia and megaloblastic anemia diagnosis, Treatment, and its management.

Write short notes on

  • Functions of liver
  • Draw a labeled diagram of Skin
  • Eosinophilia
  • Physiology of respiration

Name various Cranial Nerves. Explain the anatomy of the spinal cord and comment on Reflex Arc 20

Write short notes on:

  • Donnan Effect
  • Menstrual Cycle
  • ECG
  • Mitochondria

Define blood pressure. Discuss factors affecting B.P. and add a note on the regulation of B.P.

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Hematology and Blood Bank

Paper - 1

Time: Three Hours

Maximum Marks: 100
(Q No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any FIVE questions from the remaining six questions)

1)    Explain the composition of blood and function of blood -20

2)    Describe the direct comb test and clinical significance -20

3)    Describe the tube method of ABO and RH blood grouping system -20

4)       What are the various sites of blood collection and how it’s collected?

5)    Short answer

  1. How the CSF sample collected
  2. Leishman stain
  3. Platelet count
  4. Vacationer

6)    Long answer

  1. Explain osmotic fragility what are the purpose and procedure of osmotic fertility
  2. What is cross-matching? What is the direct and indirect crossmatch?

7)    Short notes

  1. Anticoagulants
  2. Quality control
  3. Red cell indices
  4. Homeostasis

Hematology and Blood Bank

Paper - 2

Time: Three Hours

Maximum Marks: 100
(Q No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any FIVE questions from the remaining six questions)

Discuss Automation in Hematology.

Write short notes on:


  • DU Test
  • Thrombocytopenia
  • Reticulocyte Count
  • PCV


Write short notes on:

  • Red Cell Indices
  • Abnormal RBC's in PBF

What are blood components? Discuss the preparation, storage and use of different blood components.


Write short notes on:

  • Bombay Blood Group
  • Donor selection
  • Cry-centrifuge
  • Neubauer's chamber


Write short notes on:

  • Leishman Stain
  • Micropipette
  • Transfusion Reaction


Discuss Quality control in Hematology Lab

Hematology and Blood Banking


Time: Three Hours Maximum Marn100


(Attempt any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks!

Describe in detail blood transfusion reactions and their management.
Write short notes on:

  • Polycythemia and its causes
  • Semen examination
  • Thrombocythemia and its causes
  • Draw a well-labeled diagram of the compound microscope


Write short notes on:


  • Safety measures in the laboratory
  • Norms and discarding of biomedical waste


Write the various methods of Hemoglobin estimation with the merits and demerits of each method.


Write short notes on:

  • Rh grouping
  • Direct Antihuman globulin test
  • ABO Blood grouping
  • Tests for RBC Sickling


Write short notes on:

  • Preparation of platelet concentrate and its storage
  • Adverse donor reactions and their managements
  • Abnormal Morphological types of red blood cells
  • Anticoagulants used in hematology


Describe various types of White blood cells with diagrams, their functions and causes of increased and decreased counts of each


Hematology and Blood Bank

Paper - 3

Time: Three Hours

Maximum Marks: 100
(Q No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any FIVE questions from the remaining six questions)

1)    What are the indications for hemoglobin estimation? Describe the method for estimation of hemoglobin

2)    What are total leukocytes count (TLC) and differentiate leukocytes count (DLC) and its normal value? Describe the method of TLC estimation

3)    Describe preparation and staining of blood smear and blood smear staining

4)    What are blood groups? Describe the method of blood grouping


5)    Write short notes on

  1. Westergren method for estimation of ESR ?
  2. Indication and sites for bone marrow biopsy

6)    Write short notes any two

  1. Venous blood collection
  2. Anticoagulants
  3. Packed cell volume

7)    Write short notes on ay two

  1. RBC pipette
  2. Prothrombin time
  3. Stages of hemopoiesis

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Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology First Year (1st Yr.) March-2021

First Year (1 r.)

Main Theory Exam-Session 2018-19

Remanded Exam. Session 2015-16, 2016-17 & 2017-18



 Describe the various types of blood cells with a diagram and their function in detail.

Write short notes on:

  • Peripheral blood smear
  • Neubauer's chamber
  • Neutrophil
  • Functional of RBC

Describe different collection methods of Blood in detail.

Write short notes on

  • Criteria of donor selection
  • Osmotic fragility test
  • Sickling Test
  • Packed cell volume

Describe Blood grouping and cross-matching in detail.

Write short notes on:

  • Biomedical Waste segregation new guideline
  • Reticulocyte count
  • Coomb's Test
  • G6PD estimation

Describe the different methods of estimation of Hemoglobin in detail. Discuss the effect of Deficiency of Hemoglobin in the human body


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Rajasthan Paramedical Council Diploma Courses Exam April 2017

Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology Hematology & Blood Banking

Paper - IV

Time: Three Hours, Maximum Marks: 7

(Attempt any FIVE questions.)

Explain the composition and function of blood.

Short answer:

  • Describe the direct Coomb's test and its clinical significance. A direct test to and from
  • Describe the tube method of the ABO and Rh blood grouping system.


Long answer.

  • What are the various sites of blood collection and how is it is collected?
  • How CSF sample is collected?
  • Leishman stain is not the same
  • Platelet count of platelets
  • Vacutainer

Explain osmotic fragility. What are the purpose and procedure of the osmotic fragility test?


Short answers.

  • Anticoagulants
  • Quality control
  • Red cell indices
  • THemostasis

 What is cross-matching? What is a direct and indirect crossmatch?


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Clinical Pathology Previous Peper


DMLT 1st Year  

Clinical Pathology

Paper - 1

Time: Three Hours

Maximum Marks: 100
(Q No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any FIVE questions from the remaining six questions)


1)    Discuss preparation and staining of bone marrow aspirate

2)    Write short notes on

  • Coombs test
  • Drabkin solution
  • Supravital stains
  • Metachromatic stain

3)    Write short notes on

  • Semen examination
  • Le cell

4)    Discuss hemoglobin electrophoresis and its role in the detection of hemoglobinopathies

5)    Write short notes

  • Monocytosos
  • G-6PD estimation
  • Red Distribution Width
  • erythrocytes sedimentation rate

6)    Short notes on

  • Leishman stain
  • Micropipette
  • transfusion reaction

7)    Discuss collection storage, transportation, and analysis of body fluids with special reference to CSF

Rajasthan Paramedical Diploma Courses Exam April-May 2019

Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology-1 

Clinical Pathology


Time: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 100

(Attempt any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks.)

Discuss the preparation and staining of peripheral blood film in detail. Make the first one.
Write short notes on:

  • Cross-matching
  • White blood cell count of white blood cells
  • Discarding HIV infected blood
  • Cell counters 

Write down the various biochemical tests for urine examination with their principles and X Interpretations. Explain and write the various laboratory tests to be performed
Write short notes on:

  • External Quality control
  • Red blood cell osmotic fragility test

Describe briefly:

  • MCV
  • PVC
  • Absolute eosinophil count
  • Various types of Vacutainers

Write short notes on:

  • Autopipette
  • Ascitic fluid examination
  • Bone marrow aspiration in children
  • Urine sediment examination

Define HPLC. Write down the principle and use of ion-exchange chromatography in the diagnosis of hemoglobinopathies.



Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology First Year (1st Yr.)


"First-Year (3Yr. Main Theory Exam-Session

2018-19 Remanded Exam.

 Session 2013-14 2016-17 2017-18

Time: Three Hours, Maximum Marks: 100

(Attempt any FIVE questions.)

Describe in detail the chemical examination of urine for abnormal contents.

Describe in detail biomedical waste management

Answer any 4 question

  • Hematopoiesis
  • Collection and microscopic examination of semen
  • DLC
  • Glucose tolerance test
  • Hazards in clinical laboratory

Write short note on (any four)

  • CSF Examination
  • FNAC
  • Physical examination of synovial fluid
  • Microscopic examination of peritoneal fluid
  • LE cells

Write short note on (any four)

  • Anticoagulants
  • D.W
  • Test for occult blood in stool
  • Chemical examination of pleural fluid
  • ESR

Write briefly

  • Physical examination of urine
  • Reticulocyte count

Long answer

  • Hb electrophoresis
  • Bone marrow examination




(Attempt any five questions)

Time: Three Hours

Maximum Marks: 100

All questions carry equal marks 


1.Describe various methods of hemoglobin Estimation. Write in brief about Hb Electrophoresis क

2 Write short notes on


  • Monocytosis
  • Romanowsky stains
  • Automated Cell counters
  • Osmotic fragility Test


Describe the blood component separation procedure and use of each component.

Write short notes on

  • Semen examination:
  • LE Cell test

Describe briefly

  • MCV
  • Reticulocyte Count
  • Casts and crystals in the urine
  • Cross-matching


Write short notes on

  • Supravital staining
  • Sickling test
  • Thrombocytopenia and its causes
  • RBC Pipette


Clinical Pathology

Paper - 2

Time: Three Hours

Maximum Marks: 100
(Q No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any FIVE questions from the remaining six questions)



1.Write about urine analysis in a clinical pathology laboratory
2.Method of preparing and staining peripheral blood and bone marrow
3.Preparation and use of various blood components in a blood bank laboratory
4.Laboratory examination of CSF
5.Screening test for skill cell anemia
6.Blood grouping and its method, purpose

7.Write short notes on
  1. transfusion reaction
  2. LE cell
  3. Reticulocyte count
  4. Determination of ESR

 Click here for Hindi notes

Clinical Pathology

Paper - 3

Time: Three Hours

Maximum Marks: 100
(Q No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any FIVE questions from the remaining six questions)


1)    What is CBC? What are the different components of CBC?

2)    Describe the physical, chemical, and microscopic examination of ascetic fluid

3)    What is the normal level of hemoglobin? Describe the different methods of hemoglobin estimation

4)    How will you identify the round worn in stool and draw the diagram of roundworm and hookworm?

5)    Write short notes on any four

  1. Granular cast
  2. Albert’s stain
  3. Bile salt in urine
  4. Benedict’s test for sugar
  5. Chyle test for urine


Clinical Pathology

Paper - 4

Time: Three Hours

Maximum Marks: 100
(Q No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any FIVE questions from the remaining six questions)

1.What are the different components of WBC? Write the function of WBC
2.What is ESR? Describe the various method of ESR estimation.
3.Describe the routine microscopic the various method of urine. Drew the diagram of the cast found in urine.
4.Describe the physical, chemical, and microscopic examination of ascetic fluid
5.Describe the routine examination of stool, draw the diagram of roundworm and hookworm
6.Write short notes on any two
  1. Albert’ stain
  2. Bence zones protein
  3. Occult blood examination in stool
  4. Draw a labeled diagram of spermatozoa



Clinical Pathology

Paper -5

Time: Three Hours

Maximum Marks: 100
(Q No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any FIVE questions from the remaining six questions)


1.Write down the performance of routine examination of urine in the laboratory. Describe the normal composition of urine
2.Discuss various chemical laboratory tests done for a given specimen of stool
3.Enumerate various causes of protein urea write down two biochemical tests for its detection.
4.Write down the performed routine examination of CSF specimen, describe the process of lumber puncher for taking CSF
5.Write down different biochemical tests to detect the following

  1. Bilirubin in urine
  2. Blood in stool
  3. Phosphate in urine
  4. Fats in stool

6.What is the colloidal gold test describe the indication procedure? Interpretation of this test 
Write down short notes on any four

  1. Serum amylase
  2. Serum analysis
  3. Benedict’s test
  4. Test for urobilinogen

Biochemistry Question paper

Biochemistry  Question paper For DMLT

Paper - IV

Time: Three Hours

Maximum Marks: 100
(Q No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any FIVE questions from the remaining six questions)

Q.1. Explain digestion and absorption of carbohydrates. 

Q.2. Write short note on

A. test for sugar and albumin in the urine

B. plasma protein

Q.3. Describe B-oxidation of fatty acid and its energy. 

Q.4. Write short notes on

  1. Classification of liver function tests
  2.   Classification of inborn errors of metabolism

Q.5. what are cardiac profile tests? Write its clinical significance

Q.6Write in brief about:

  1. Random access auto analyzer  
  2.  Flame photometer

Q.7Write normal reference range of common biochemical value of serum. 


Paper - IV

Time: Three Hours

Maximum Marks: 100
(Q No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any FIVE questions from the remaining six questions)

1.    Discuss briefly the renal function tests (रिनल फंक्शन टेस्ट के बारे में चर्चा करे।).

2.    Write a short note on

  1. GTT
  2. Ketone bodies
  3. Gout
  4. C.HDL

3.    Write short notes on

  1. Glycolysis
  2. Kreb's cycle

4.    Discuss briefly the lab diagnosis of diabetes mellitus.

5.    Discuss briefly automation in biochemistry. 

6.    Write short notes on :

  1. A.      Glomerular filtration rate
  2. B.      Quality control
  3. C.      Serum lipase
  4. D.      CK-MB

7.    Discuss the various biochemical tests for diagnosis of jaundice and their interpretations. 


Paper - IV

Time: Three Hours

Maximum Marks: 100
(Q No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any FIVE questions from the remaining six questions)

Q.1. Discuss the urea cycle. Explain biosynthesis of creatinine

Q.2. Write in short:

  1.  NABL
  2.  LJchart
  3.  point of care testing
  4.  Accuracy and precision

Q.3. Write in brief about

  1.  porphyria
  2. Gluconeogenesis

Q.4.Write the difference between

  1.  RIA and ELISA
  2. chromatography and electrophoresis

5. Write short notes on

  1. Discuss constituents of gastric juice and its diagnostic importance. 
  2. Write in brief about photo-colorimeter.

6. Write short notes on

  1. classification of auto-analyzers 
  2.    glycated hemoglobin
  3. blood gas analyzer

7. Answer in brief:

  1. cholesterol
  2.  estimation of glucose in CSF
  3.  dry chemical analyzer
  4.  sampling errors



(Attempt any FIVE questions)

Maximum Marks: 100

Time: Three Hours

Describe briefly digestion absorption and assimilation of carbohydrates.

Write short notes on:

  • Blood collection tubes used in biochemistry
  • Biochemical analysis of urine sample

Discuss briefly internal and external quality control in biochemistry.

Write short notes on at

  • SGOT and SGPT
  • GOUT
  • Total Cholesterol
  • Diabetes mellitus


Discuss briefly renal function test

Write short notes on:

  • RIA (Radioimmunoassay)
  • LDH
  • Ketone bodies

Discuss briefly automation in Biochemistry Write in detail about auto and semi-auto analyzers used in biochemistry

Microbiology Questions 

Microbiology Including Parasitology And Immunology

Paper - IV

Time: Three Hours

Maximum Marks: 100

(Q No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any FIVE questions from remaining six questions)


1. Discuss briefly the life cycle of giardia lamblia and its laboratory diagnosis

जीवाणुओं का विभिन्न आधारों पर वर्गीकरण किजिये। जीवाण की संरचना का सचित्र वर्णन कीजिये।

3. निम्न में अन्तर लिखिये :

  1.  बेक्टिरिया  वायरस
  2. एक्सोटोक्सिन  एन्डोटोक्सिन
  3.  वायरस  अन्य सुक्ष्म जीव

Q4. Discuss morphology, culture, lab diagnosis of Neisseria gonorrhea. 

Q.5. Write in short about

  1.  antigen-antibody interaction
  2.  Polymerase chain reaction

6. White morphology, life cycle, and lab diagnosis of toxoplasma gondii. 

7. Write in brief about:

  1.  Widal test
  2. hepatitis virus

 Main Theory Exam.

Session 2017-18 & Remanded Exam.

Session Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology,



(Attempt any FIVE questions)

 Discuss briefly morphology, life cycle, and laboratory diagnosis of Entamobiahitolica 

Write short notes on:

  • Polymerase chain reaction
  • Hypersensitivity reactions

Discuss in detail the morphology, culture, and laboratory diagnosis of Salmonella typhi

Write short notes on:

  • VDRL Test
  • Gram Staining
  • The technique of throat swab, its preservation, and transportation
  • Filariasis

Discuss in detail about laboratory diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis

Write short notes on

  • Throat swab
  • Cyst
  • Lab diagnosis of HIV
  • Poliovirus


Paper - IV

Time: Three Hours

Maximum Marks: 100

(Q No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any FIVE questions from remaining six questions)

01. Discuss briefly the life cycle of plasmodium in human

Q.2. Write short note on :(निम्न पर संक्षिप्त टिप्पणी कीजिये ):

  1. Kala-azar (काला अजार
  2. Hydatid cyst (हायडेटिड सिस्ट
  3.  Filariasis (फाइलेरियासिस)
  4. Cyst of E. histolytica (हिस्टोलीटिका का सिस्ट

Q3. Write short note on :

  1.  AN ELISA (एलिजा
  2.   Mycobacterium tuberculosis (माइकोवेक्टिरियम ट्यूबरक्यूलोसिस

Q.4. Discuss briefly the various culture media used for bacterial culture. 

Q.5. Discuss in brief the lab diagnosis of HIV.(एच.आई.वीके प्रयोगशाला निदान के बारे में चर्चा करे।)

Q.6. Write short notes o (निम्न पर संक्षिप्ट टिप्पणी कीजिये )

  1. DNA viruses (.डी.एन.वाइरस
  2. Mantoux test (मेनटोक्स टेस्ट
  3. HBS antigen (एच.बी.एसऐंटिजन
  4. Laboratory diagnosis of E.coli.(कोली का प्रयोगशाला निदान

Q.7. Define hypersensitivity. Enumerate different hypersensitivity reaction and discuss type 4 hypersensitivity types of hypersensitivity (हाईपर सेंसिटिविटी क्या हैविभिन्न हाईपर सेंसिटिविटास है तथा टाईप IV हाइपर सेंसिटिविटी पर चर्चा करे।)


Paper - IV

Time: Three Hours

Maximum Marks: 100

(Q No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any FIVE questions from remaining six questions)  

1. What are the diseases produced by Streptococci? Describe the laboratory procedure for the diagnosis of rheumatic fever

2. Classify culture media how you will prepare Mac Conkey part laboratory, what are the uses of Mac Conkey Agar 

3. What is AIDS? Write the causative organism. How you will diagnose AIDS in the laboratory?

4.What is sterilization Classify sterilization and describes the physical method of sterilization 

5. Classify batteries according to their staining properties. Describe the principles and procedures of Gram's staining

6.Write short notes on any four

  1.  Bacterial spore
  2. Causative agents of urinary tract infection.
  3. Coagulate test 
  4. Widal test.
  5.  Method of Hepatitis B infection 

Pathology (histopathology)

Pathology (histopathology)

Paper - IV

Time: Three Hours

Maximum Marks: 100

(Q No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any FIVE questions from remaining six questions)


Q.1. Discuss briefly the various steps in tissue processing.

Q.2. Write short notes on:

Picric acid
Barr bodies

Q.3. Write short notes on:

Frozen section
The extrinsic pathway of coagulation

Q.4. Discuss briefly the preservation of museum specimens and the organization of the museum.

Q.5. Write short notes on:


Q.6. Write short notes on:

Section adhesives
Fixation of FNAC smears
B-5 fixative
Faults in section cutting

Q.7. Enumerate the various strains used in histopathology and discuss the hematoxylin and Eosin


Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology, December-2020

Second Year Main theory Exam-Session 2017-18&anded Exam Session 2015-16 2016-17


Time: Three Hours


Maximum Marks: 100

Discuss briefly fixatives used in histopathology. Write in detail about preparation advantages and disadvantages of 10% buffered Formalin

Write short notes on

  • Immunohistochemistry
  • Hematoxylin and Eosin staining

Describe in detail about steps of the tissue process for histopathology.

Write short notes on:

  • Methods of decalcification in histopathology
  • Tissue floating bath in histopathology
  • Prothrombin time
  • Microtome

Write short notes on:

  • Normal Coagulation Cascade
  • Frozen Section
  • Barr Bodies (Sex Chromatin)
  • Reticulin Stain

Write short notes on

  • Section Cutting
  • Bleeding Time & Clotting Time
  • FDP (Fibnn Degradation Product
  •  Making of paraffin blocks

Describe in detail Museum mounting techniques

if you are looking for a previous DMLT model  paper you can click here


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