
Clinical Pathology Test | Normal values

Clinical pathology test is important for diagnosis and assistance in the diagnosis of various diseases its includes urine, CSF, semen analysis.

 Clinical Pathology Test | Normal values

Clinical pathology test is important for the diagnosis of various diseases analysis of body fluid. Routine Clinical pathology examination includes urine, CSF, semen analysis, and its normal value to help to know the condition of the patient, Here we going to discuss the various test done in clinical pathology and its reference range.

Clinical Pathology Test | Normal values
Clinical Pathology Test | Normal values

Clinical pathology test list

  • Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
  • pack cell volume
  • urine analysis
  • semen analysis
  • CSF analysis
  • Coombs test

The normal value of clinical pathology test 

Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate

ESR estimation

Westergren’s method

  • M 3-5 mm 1st hour
  • F 4-7mm 1st hour

Win Trobe's

  • Male 0-7 mm 1st hour
  • Female 0-15 mm

Packed Cell Volume

  • At birth: 44–63%
  • At 1 year: 35%
  • At 10 years: 37.5%
  • Women: 30–40%
  • Men: 40–54%

Urine analysis value

Physical analysis value

  • Normal color: clear, pale, or straw-colored
  • Volume : 500-1500ml
  • Specific gravity: 1.003 to 1.030.
  • Odor: faint aromatic odor.
  • PH: 4.6-7.0 (average 6.0).

Biochemical values

  • Protein Test: NIL
  • Bence Jones Protein: NIL
  • Glucose Test: NIL
  • Ketone Bodies (Ketones)  : NIL
  • Bilirubin: NIL
  • Urobilinogen Test: NIL
  • Porphobilinogen In Urine: NIL

Urine Strip –as given by the manufacture

Microscopic  (urine)


  • RBCs
  • WBCs
  • Epithelial cells


  • Hyaline cast
  • Red cell cast
  • Leukocyte cast
  • Granular cast
  • Waxy cast
  • Fatty cast
  • Epithelial cast
  • Pigment cast



  • Calcium oxalate
  • Uric acid
  • Amorphous urate
  • Tyrosine
  • Cystine
  • Cholesterol crystals
  • Sulphonamide

Miscellaneous structures

  • Spermatozoa
  • Parasite
  • Fungus
  • Tumor cells

Semen Analysis

This include

  • Physical analysis
  • Microscopic examination
  • Chemical analysis

Other procedures are not done in a pathology lab

Physical analysis

  • Color: slightly yellowish or whitish, grey-white
  • Volume: 2.5 - 5 ml.
  • Viscosity: fairly viscid
  • Reaction :7-8
  • Liquefaction :15-20 min

Microscopic analysis

  • Motility: more than 60%
  • Count : > 60 million/ml
  • Morphology

Chemical analysis value

  • Fructose test : 150-600 mg/dl
  • Acid phosphates test: 2500 KA units/ml

Immunology analysis

CSF analysis


  • Appearance: Clear and colorless
  • Rate of production: 500 ml/day
  • Total volume: 120-150 ml in adults, 10-60 ml in neonates
  • Specific gravity: 1.006-1.008
  • Normal pressure : 60-150 mm of water in adults, 10-100 mm water in infants


  • Sugar : 50-80 mg/dl (i.e. 60% of plasma value)
  • CSF: Plasma : 0.3-0.9 glucose ratio
  • Proteins : 15-45 mg/dl
  • Chloride : 720-760 mg% (i.e. same as in plasma)

Blood cells

  • RBC : absent
  • Cells : 0-4 leucocytes/ml (0-30 leucocytes/ml in neonates)


  • Bacteria: Nil

Blood Grouping

  • Depend on the agglutination reaction

Rh Typing

  • Depend on the agglutination reaction

Coombs’ Test

  • Depend on the agglutination reaction

Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time

  • 22-34 seconds

Bleeding Time (Ivy Method)

  • 1 – 6 minutes


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