
Biochemistry | Medical Lab Tech

Biochemistry is a branch of medical science that deals with the biochemical processes of the human body and organs, bio-molecule, biochemistry cycles.

 Biochemistry – Biochemistry is a branch of medical science where we study the biochemical process of the human body and its organs, we study our various biochemical processes like digestion, absorption, and emulsification of food and learn about the various enzyme used for digestion and absorption of lipid, carbohydrate, proteins, and process of generating energy with food.

Biochemistry | Medical lab tech

Biochemistry | Medical Lab Tech

Here we will learn more about the clinical biochemistry test that is used to understanding the proper functioning of the human body and its organ

Biochemistry | Medical Lab Tech

Here we will study various biomolecule

Biomolecule are

A. Carbohydrates
B. Lipid
C. Protein
D. Nucleic acid


Carbohydrate introduction and function
Classification of carbohydrate

Metabolism of carbohydrate

• Glycolysis
• Krebs cycle
• Glycolysis
• Glycogenesis
• Glycolysis
• HMP shunt


• Glycogen storage
• Diabetes mellitus
• Glucose tolerance test


Introduction & function

Classification of protein

• Based on the structure
• Based on function
• Based on composition

Digestion absorption of protein

Metabolism of protein

• Transaminatation
• Deamination
• Uria cycle

Uria cycle, Reaction, Formation, Regulation of urea cycle, Uria cycle disorder

The disease of protein

• Phenyal ketonuria
• Alkaptonuria
• Abunism disease
• Gaut disease
• Maple & syrup urine disease
• Crystin urea

Lipid and fat

Types- saturated fatty acid, unsaturated fatty acid
Classification of lipid
Types: simple lipid, complex lipid, derived lipid


• Chyclomicrons
• Very low-density lipoprotein
• Intermediate density lipoprotein
• Low-density lipoprotein
• High-density lipoprotein

Lipid metabolism
Ketone bodies
Bile formation
Heam synthesis
Heam degradation

Amino acids

  • DNA
  • RNA

Organ function test

Organ function tests | Medical lab test

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