Organ function tests | Medical lab test
Organ function tests are used to evaluate the proper function of body organs result in a test that includes LFT, RFT, cardiac profile test, etc
The human body is made of different organs and systems as a cardiac system, urinary system, cardiac system, etc that regulate the different functions of the body, that are necessary for the proper functioning of the human body so that humans can live and survive, here we will discuss the various organs and its function and the clinical test that are used to analysis of proper functioning of that particular organ as( liver, renal, cardiac) so result that if some disease occurs then the causes of the result can be evaluated and the proper treatment could be given to the patient.
Organ function tests | Medical lab test |
Organ function tests | Medical lab test
List of organ and its function test
- Liver function test
- Cardiac function test
- Renal function test
- Thyroid function test
- Coagulation function test
- Pancreatic function test
- Test for infertility
- Pancreatic function test
- Gastric function test
- Blood Glucose regulation test
- Lipid profile test
Liver function test
Enzyme test
- Alkaline phosphate
Test for bilirubin
- Direct bilirubin
- Indirect bilirubin
- Total bilirubin
Test of coagulation factor
- Vitamin k
- Erthroprotien
- Prothrombin time
- Activated partial Prothrombin time
Test for protein
- Total protein
- Albumin
- Globulin
- A/G ratio
Cardiac function test
- Creatine phosphor kinase MB ( CK-MB)
- Troponin T ( TROP –T)
- C- reactive protein and heart disease
Renal function test
- blood Urea
- serum Creatinine
- serum Uric acid
- Electrolytic balance
Urine analysis -
- Physical examination
- Chemical examination
- Sediment analysis
Thyroid function test
- Triiodothyronine(T3)
- Thyroxin (T4)
- Thyroid-stimulating Harmon (TSH)
Coagulation function test
- Platelet count
- Clothing time
- Bleeding time
- Fibrin degradation product (FDP)
- Prothrombin time
- Activated partial Prothrombin time
Pancreatic function test
Exocrine test
- Proteolytic enzyme
- Lipolytic enzyme
- Amalytoi enzyme
Endocrine test
- insulin
- glycogen
Gastric function test
Blood Glucose regulation test
- HB1AC blood test
- Glucose tolerance test
- Blood glucose test
- Random blood sugar
- Fasting blood sugar
- 2h hour post predial
Test for infertility
- Follicle-stimulating Harmon
- Luteinzing harmon level
- Prolactin
- Ovarian reserve (AMH) test anti-Mullerian hormone
Semen analysis
- Color
- Volume
- Liquefaction time
- Appearance
- PH
- Sperm count
- Motility
- Morphology
Lipid profile test
- Total cholesterol
- Triglycerides
- HDL cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein)
- LDL cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein)
- VLDL (very low-density lipoprotein)
if you are looking for normal reference range of these test you can visit here