
Pathology DMLT 2nd year important question

Pathology DMLT 2nd year important question for DMLT second year exam on the basis of previous question paper here will discuss pathology. questions

 Pathology DMLT 2nd year important question for DMLT second year exam on the basis of previous question paper here will discuss the question that comes in exam so that student gets good marks in their DMLT examination questions are given on the basis of marks first one are those questions that are asked of 20 marks and the other short question that contain about 10 or 5 marks.

Pathology DMLT 2nd year important questions

Major questions carry 20 marks

Q.1 enumerates various bleeding disorder. Writ the normal coagulation cascade?

Q.2 enumerates various special stains in the pathology. Write any one method of staining in details

Q.3 what is fixatives and describe their principle with advantage and disadvantage

Q.4 writes in details about decalcification. Write about its advantages and disadvantages.

Q.5 writes down different types of haematoxylin and eosin, with their preparation method of staining and advantages and disadvantage of each type

Q.6 various equipment used in histopathology with their merits demits and cares to be taken.

Q.7 discuss briefly7 the preservation of museum specimen and organization of museum.

Q.8 describes the principle and procedure of tissue processing.

Q.9 what is cytology? Method of collection material for making smear and preparation of fixative used in it.

Q.10 writes short notes on

  1. Making of blocks
  2. Honing
  3. Short notes questions
  4. Clot retraction time ( CRT)
  5. Barr body
  6. Fixative of cytology
  7. Pap smear
  8. Fibrinogen degradation products (FDP)
  9. DPX (Diphenylthylate xyline)
  10. Thrombocytopenia
  11. Prothrombin time and activated partial thromboplastin time
  12. Morbid anatomy
  13. Mounting media
  14. Kaiserling solution
  15. Section cutting
  16. Frozen sections
  17. FNAC

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