
Difference between PT and APTT

PT & APTT are the test used to monitor the treatment of clotting (extrinsic , intrinsic) clotting system, prothombin time, PT and APTT Test .

Here we going to compare both test, purpose ,principle and procedure to make  difference between two test of coagulation profile  test (ex PT, APTT)  which are used   for screening extrinsic clothing factor and For screening intrinsic clothing factor for monitor the treatment

Difference between PT and APTT

Name of test

Prothrombin time

Activated partial Prothrombin time



extrinsic clothing

intrinsic clothing



X, V, II, I, and XII

I, II, IX, X, XI, and XII.


Difference between PT and APTT
Difference between PT and APTT

Difference between prothombin time ( PT) and  activated partial prothombin time  (APTT)

here we  going to compare following points
  • Purpose
  • principle
  • factors
  • requirement
  • regent
  • procedure
  • normal velue
  • prolonged value

Difference between PT and APTT


Full form

Prothrombin time

Activated partial Prothrombin time


Also know as





For screening extrinsic clothing system

For screening  intrinsic clothing system


Name of factors

 clotting factors X, V, II, I, and XII

Factors I, II, IX, X, XI, and XII.



Plasma is added with thromboplastin and calcium chloride regent  @ 37 degree and time taken to clot formation known as Prothrombin time

Kaolin (surface activator) and platelet substrate (phospholipids) are incubated with citrate plasma at 37 degree for time specified in the method. Cacl2 is add in the test tube &the time taken for the mixture to clot is note.



Water bath or incubator, stopwatch,

Water bath or incubator, stopwatch,



Thromboplastin calcium chloride regent (combined regent)

Kaolin /platelet substrate mixture, calcium chloride.



Citrate plasma (Tri-sodium citrate anticoagulant)

Citrate plasma (Tri-sodium citrate anticoagulant)



Thromboplastin calcium chloride regent (combined regent)

0.250 ML or 250ul

Keolin /platelet substitute

0.2 ml or 200ul


0.1ml or 100  ul

Citrate plasma

0.05ml or 50 ul

Mix and incubate for  exactly 2 minutes


Tilting the tubes at interval


Hold the tube in water bath and start the stop watch and note down

Calcium chloride

0.1ml or 100  ul


Hold the tube in water bath and start the stop watch and note down  the time



the time taken for clot formation then convert the clotting  time in INR using table given by manufacture and reported

Calculate the average patent result and calculate


Reference range

In second

2-16 second

Normal range




30-40 sec


INR (worfarin treatment)


35-50 sec




Prolonger INR

Treatment with oral anticouglent blood such as warfirin

Prolonger APTT




Liver disease

Deficiency of clothing factor





Hemolytic disease of new born



Rarely deficiency of these factor








Question could be put in exams regrinding this topic are are given below

write short notes on

  • Prothombin time
  • Activated partial Prothrombin time
  • write about coagulation function test

MCQ could be given from this topics are

  • normal value of PT  test
  • normal value of APTT test
  • what is INR
  • regents are use in PT or APTT test
  • anticoagulant used in this test

if you know the answer please comment  below

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